Tag Archives: Piano pedagogy

Refreshing New Music to Practice The Piano on

Keyboard of a grand piano manufactured by the ...

Keyboard of a Steinway & Sons. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Being a son of a Piano teacher got me acquainted with all the piano teaching tunes. The down side is that I got to know them to well. Not to mention all of the possible mistakes.

That’s why I was happy to find this WordPress blog –  classpiano.com – Free Piano Music by Regan Starr. Regan who is now the Manager of Digital Media for the piano company Steinway & Sons started this project while he was a student. His site contains hundreds of refreshing new music sheets to learn to play the Piano by.

Regan releases beautiful melodies which he categorize by difficulty Beginner,Intermediate and  advanced, by Keys (Majors and Minors) and by Time signature. Regan also enables his readers to thumb up or down his pieces, so you can immediately access to most popular ones.

The music sheets come with some words of advice by Regan and a video where you can listen to the music and see the fingering. You still need to do actual practicing to get to results… However this is a great head start for anyone who wants to practice by themselves.

I would love to hear Regan Starr’s music played by a larger musical ensemble or in a context of a bigger piece. In the meantime he does not promise that he will keep all of his soundtracks on the site or his own computer…


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Filed under Learning Music, Piano